by Sean Atkins | Apr 12, 2018
One could make the argument that Blumhouse is the hottest production company in Hollywood these days. Coming closely on the heels of three huge hits including Split, Get Out, and Happy Death Day, Blumhouse certainly has struck chord with audiences seeking mayhem and...
by Sean Atkins | Mar 29, 2018
No one in Hollywood has crafted more memorable blockbusters than Steven Spielberg, the most famous director the world has ever seen. And while Spielberg has strayed from the familiar path in recent years and focused more so on dramas, Ready Player One is right in his...
by Sean Atkins | Jan 12, 2018
When you buy a ticket for The Commuter, you know exactly what you’re paying for. You’re paying not just for an action movie, but a Liam Neeson action movie. You’re paying for a movie released during one of the slowest months of the year during one of the coldest...
by Sean Atkins | Jan 4, 2018
If you’re reading this, then you’ve probably read enough opening paragraphs for “Best Movies of 2017” lists explaining how great a year it was for cinema, and yes, all those articles/lists/whatever are correct. In a year filled with tribulation around the globe, going...
by Sean Atkins | Dec 12, 2017
After seeing Star Wars: The Last Jedi, I’m not surprised Lucasfilm is giving director Rian Johnson the keys to a new Star Wars trilogy after Episode XI; in fact, Rian Johnson’s now further involvement has me actually excited for the next Star Wars trilogy (and I’m not...