by Sean Atkins | Mar 17, 2022
As we roll on through March, studios continue to steer clear of The Batman throughout most of the month. By not presenting the Warner Brothers’ film with a blockbuster challenge, it provides an opportunity for other studios to release smaller films. And thankfully,...
by Sean Atkins | Mar 16, 2022
It’s nice to see Ben Affleck all but move on from his take on Batman for Warner Brothers (minus one more brief appearance in next year’s The Flash). Hopefully, means we’ll get to see him in more dramas and thrillers that capture viewer’s eyes. While his latest film,...
by Sean Atkins | Mar 9, 2022
More often than some might realize, a majority of Netflix’s big budget films are mostly forgettable, even though they may feel appropriately fine for their streaming service. These films come and go the second the credits roll, as the streamer offers you a variety of...
by Sean Atkins | Feb 28, 2022
With the annual bombardment of comic book movies we see every year, it’s hard to believe that it has been a decade since we last saw a Batman solo movie (The Dark Knight Rises). During that span, some of those films have left a lasting impression on cinema consumers...
by Kevin Allen | Feb 24, 2022
Director Joe Wright’s career has been uneven in its attempts to reach the heights it did with the one-two punch of Pride and Prejudice and Atonement in 2005 and 2007 respectively, although his WWII-set period piece Darkest Hour received awards recognition in 2018. His...
by Mike Joseph | Feb 18, 2022
Within the first five minutes, you know exactly what kind of movie Dog is going to be. We’ve seen similar stories countless times. But despite this, it still manages to mostly be an enjoyable time. A movie like Dog can only function if it knows what kind of...