Cheap Comic Frame Hack

by | May 15, 2018

cheap comic frame hack

Sick of spending upwards and over $20 a pop to frame your precious comic books? Look no further than your local Dollar Store, because I’ve found a way to frame your comics for under $2 a piece with this CHEAP COMIC FRAME HACK.

heap comic frame hack (1)

Step 1) Go to the Dollar Store.

For myself, I went to the Dollarama in Lethbridge, AB, Canada.

Step 2) Go to the Frames Section and find the 8.5/11 Document Frames which are priced at $1.50 Canadian. These frames don’t have an actual edge to them – the glass goes all the way to the sides and is held on by four little metal clips.

Step 3) While you’re in the Dollar Store, find black 8.5/11 BLACK cardboard paper (standard sized black paper is what you need).


Step 5) Assemble your incredibly cheap comic frames. It will come to under $2 for every single issue you frame up!

WARNING: If your comic book is an oversized or extra thick copy, these frames probably will not work because they won’t be able to contain all that comic tastiness due to the frame’s cheapness. This hack is for standard,regular sized comics only.

cheap comic frame hack

Check out this 2-minute video I made which shows what the frames look like as well as the finished product.