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Fight to The Death: Groot Vs. A Monster Calls

Fight to The Death is an ongoing feature where staffers and readers get to vote and explain why one fictional character would be able to kill another. This week’s featured rumble? The lovable Groot from Guardians of The Galaxy Vol.2 (NOW PLAYING!) Vs. Liam Neeson’s eerily similar-looking tree creature from A Monster Calls… See who wins this vicious battle to the grave right here.

Reader Votes

 Votes: Groot

 Votes: Groot

Staff Votes

Keven Votes: Groot

Forget the actual physical features of this matchup because at the end of the day, Groot is a tree alien and Liam Neeson’s creature in A Monster Calls is seemingly an imaginary friend or supernatural being with endless abilities and tremendous size. Honestly the two of these things fighting could go either way – science vs magic – whatever. Let’s look at how goddamn similar A Monster Calls is in appearance to the original Groot design from the first Guardians of The Galaxy film… That’s borderline copyright infringement… I don’t like how much they borrowed for A Monster Calls. Not one bit. On those merits alone Groot deserves to do that crazy ass branch impale move on this rip-off and send it to imaginary friend hell.

Vin Diesel and Liam Neeson voice both of these characters, and while Neeson would win a speech war, Diesel has been doing this kind of work since The Iron Giant. Even though he only said “I Am Groot” 12 times in the first flick, there’s just something special about that gravelly dumbass tone he carries as adult Groot. I appreciate me some Neeson, but Groot has been around forever and when it comes to tree monster things – noone else comes close. So let’s say Groot would kick this thing’s ass upside-down, left to right, and then pop that goofy ass smile he does right after decimating Neeson monster’s corpse, therefore horrifying that poor kid who is using said Monster to cope with his mother’s illness. Take that child – your buddy is dead and Groot is loving it. The world is hard and Groot takes no prisoners.

Votes: Groot

Anyone who has seen GOTG 2 should know that Baby Groot will not be hindered by his size in a fight…


That is all.

Sean Votes: Groot

Groot, whether big or small, would take out Liam Neeson’s Monster any time. I mean, have you seen how far Groot can extend his body? Sure, he might not be the brightest bulb or say more than three or four different words. But he’s more muscle than Neeson’s Monster. The only thing Neeson’s Monster beats Groot in is his voice. Granted, it’s hard for anyone to compete against Liam Neeson’s voice. Not just Groot.

The Winner is:

Total Points: Groot (5) & A Monster Calls (0)

For the rules of FIGHT TO THE DEATH click HERE

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