Friday The 13th Reboot Lands The Last Witch Hunter Director Breck Eisner

by | Aug 8, 2016

From Paramount Pictures, writer Aaron Guzikowsk (Prisoners) and director Breck Eisner (The Crazies) comes the reboot of the Friday The 13th franchise. The film is scheduled for theatrical release January 13, 2017. 

According to Deadline, director Breck Eisner will be helming the upcoming Friday The 13th reboot – yes a second reboot – they are starting over after already rebooting in 2009. There have been 10 solo Friday The 13th flicks, then a Freddy Vs. Jason crossover flick, then the last reboot seven years ago. So this next one is – you guessed it – THE THIRTEENTH MOVIE IN THE FRANCHISE.

Breck Eisner is a strong choice to helm the flick in my opinion. His reboot of The Crazies is one of the better infected flicks to come out in some time. Fans know that the original Crazies was actually a precursor to the legendary Night of The Living Dead – making the oldschool one sort of the first zombie movie that wasn’t really a zombie movie to come from George Romero’s brain.  Eisner’s father also ran Paramount Studios back in the early days when the franchise was at the height of it’s popularity in the 80’s. So this is sort of like the son returning to finish, or continue the legacy that his dad was a major factor in spawning decades ago.


An official synopsis has yet to have been released, but Platinum Dunes producer Brad Fuller did reveal screenplay tidbits a while back revealing that Jason’s mother Pamela (the original killer in movie one) would be around and that the film is an origin, but one we haven’t seen before. Side-Note: There’s a Friday The 13th TV series in the works for The CW (Arrow, The Flash, Riverdale) as well as a highly anticipated videogame that lets gamers step into Jason’s gigantic murder shoes.