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Game Over Man is Laugh Out Loud Hilarious & The Best Original Netflix Film to Date (Review)

Game Over Man! is now streaming on Netflix from director Kyle Newacheck and Workaholics stars Adam DeVine, Blake Anderson and Anders Holm. Check out my review right here:

Three friends are on the verge of getting their video game financed when their benefactor is taken hostage by terrorists.

Game Over Man! is the best Netflix original film, by a mile. I was wandering the internet today and noticed that it was sitting at 0% on Rotten Tomatoes and I nearly fell out of my comfy office chair… A zero percent rating? Get the fuck out Rotten Tomatoes – you don’t know shit. I’ve seen 2.5/5 reviews scored as Fresh when it suits the film (The Last Jedi) and 2.5/5 reviews scored rotten. I’m convinced that site is bought and paid for by studios now depending on their promotional budgets. Game Over Man! is the funniest movie of 2018 so far and by the time this year wraps up, it will be a tough one to top. The Workaholics crew killed it. They killed it with dicks, exploding heads, celebrities getting shot in the face – vaping – you name it, Game Over Man! has it.

If you ever wanted Die Hard with a comedic gloss, Game Over, Man! is that action flick, with tons of gory and horrifying death scenes, but with just enough auto erotic asphyxiation and joyful ass eating to make us all laugh ourselves stupid. I haven’t laughed this hard at a comedy since the Vacation reboot a couple years ago. Anders Holm wrote one hell of a movie and Adam DeVine, Blake Anderson and Holm himself, were all hysterical. Game Over, Man! may be loaded with ferocious kills and brutal dick slicing action, but the dialog and quiet moments are so damn funny too that you forget that the movie is just as brutal as all the big budget thrillers it pokes fun at. There are tons of hilarious celebrity cameos (including Steve-O who performs the definitive Jack-Ass stunt) and the villain(s) are all memorable and well written characters too.

I don’t want to spoil much, but Game Over Man! is pretty raunchy. Adam DeVine has more screen dick time than I believe any other male actor in years for a major release. You will see his actual dick flopping around, hanging there, slapping against his thighs as he walks by the camera – it doesn’t matter what shot it is – DeVine’s dick is there and it’s there during moments when people are getting killed. I love a good dick joke as much as the next guy and Game Over Man! might have the funniest one of all time. It’s my favourite scene of the film and I applaud DeVine for opting to not use a stunt dick or prosthetic either – he went full Jackie Chan dick and put his own genitals in danger for the good of the film. Respect.

Netflix has been getting a lot of flak for their big budget originals not fairing so well on the critics’ scorecards, but if you hate on Game Over Man! — I’m not sure we could be friends. I absolutely loved it and I laughed until I had tears rolling down my face. I say this to you all and I’m not even a Workaholics fan – I’ve not seen a single episode (yet), so you can’t even say that I’m just a fanboy of the DeVine, Anderson and Holm trio. This was my introduction to their brand of comedy and I’m now going to be seeking out that series and watching it all from start to finish. Game Over Man! is not for the faint of heart – there are some truly disturbing and horrifying sequences sprinkled here and there, but I love that the movie doesn’t shy away from that stuff either. There’s a scene with a chihuahua in a fishtank that pushes the boundaries of what is considered ‘in good taste’, but that’s the charm of Game Over, Man! — it goes for broke in every aspect, whether that’s comedy or shock factor. I respect and love that about this film.

Rating: [star rating=”5″]

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