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Jack White Responds to Potential White Stripes Reunion with Meg White

While doing a Q&A with fans for his Third Man Records Vault club former White Stripes singer Jack White responded to a fan who asked if he would consider a reunion with drummer Meg.

White responded by saying that Meg White “doesn’t answer her phone” and when prodded further if he’d consider reuniting even if the drummer did answer her phone, Jack replied with:

“Nope… That time is gone.” 

After disbanding in 2011, Jack White has been pursuing a successful solo career and even plays several White Stripes songs during his shows but the singer says that those days could soon be over too saying, “Only seated theaters for acoustic shows for the rest of my days,” he wrote. “It’s hard when the people who organize festivals basically control my life … I have to book shows around their offer that I can’t refuse … it’s very expensive to tour … people think that’s how musicians make their money these days sadly, but it’s hard to be on the road no matter what size you are.” 

Source: Billboard

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