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Keven’s Film Listography Journal Week #4: Top Foreign Films

This week in my Film Listography Journal series I reveal a list of my favourite foreign films.


While jotting down this list I realized I haven’t seen too many foreign films that I’ve truly enjoyed – or at least not as many as I thought I had. I’m aiming to correct this so I’m currently gearing up to see Wild Tales, which I’ve heard is a lot of fun. The first foreign film that I’d ever seen was Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon – and I remember seeing it in theaters and having to actually READ the entire movie. As a kid this was very different for me and I still recall people being freaked out by that aspect of it at the time. The movie itself doesn’t hold up as well as I thought it would but it’s still very important since it was my first experience seeing a foreign movie.

Pan’s Labyrinth is probably my favourite foreign picture ever made. Guillermo Del Toro’s beautiful dark fantasy is a masterpiece in every sense of the word. Let The Right One In has one of the most amazing climactic sequences ever filmed where we see the chaos of vengeance from below the surface of a swimming pool. A truly unique film, it’s very close to the top of this list as well.

The Raid 2 is the best foreign film of recent years and every time I revisit it, I actually enjoy it a little bit more and appreciate the quiet moments between the nasty and unbelievable action sequences.


You can buy Film Listography HERE on Amazon. From writer Lisa Nola and artist Jon Stich comes a movie journal where fans can jot down all of their favourite cinematic moments.

Now fans of the smash-hit Listography journal series (over a quarter of a million copies sold!) can list all their favorite movie picks. Featuring the colorful illustrations of artist Jon Stich throughout, Film Listography boasts over 70 list topics ranging from the classic (favorite films of all time, favorite actors, directors, and soundtracks) to the lovably idiosyncratic (top so-bad-it’s-good movies, scenes that made you cringe, characters you are most like). A celebration of celluloid that’s sure to entertain, this is the ultimate fill-in journal for film fanatics, list lovers, and anyone who appreciates an alternative approach to journaling.

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