Keven’s Film Listography Journal Week #5: Favorite Comedies & Their Funniest Moments

by | Jul 17, 2015

This week in my Film Listography Journal series I reveal a list of my favorite comedies and their funniest moments…



If I had to absolutely pick my favorite comedy of all time it would be a draw between Happy Gilmore and There’s Something About Mary. I can remember watching Happy Gilmore every weekend when I was younger. I’d watch it on this little television set in my grandparents’ camper when we’d take a break from golfing and it never got old.  I may have seen this movie more than any other film — ever. Shooter McGavin is one of my all time favorite characters in cinema history. Christopher Mcdonald’s portrayal of the villain is astounding to the point where I truly believe the man deserved an Oscar nod. Yes — an Oscar nod in an Adam Sandler film.

That movie came out during the age of Sandler prime-time: a time when Billy Madison was getting quoted on a daily basis by everyone on the planet and it was just socially accepted as the norm. When Shooter freaks out as people toss a beachball onto the green and he stabs it with his club and begins to flail it around, I lose it every time. “What is wrong with you people, this is golf!” Christopher Mcdonald is amazing.

There’s Something About Mary — I believe my mother took me to see that one in the theatres when I was maybe 13 or so years old. It was one of my first experiences seeing an R-Rated film in theatres and to this day that movie still holds up with every joke. To the interrogation room when the cop thinks Ben Stiller is talking about mutilating hitchhikers to the dick in a zipper sequence which takes the crown from all physical gags in 90’s cinema, this movie is the Farrelly Brothers’ finest work. As an added bonus, Jim Carrey pops up on my list twice – but if he doesn’t pop up on yours at least once or twice — then you just aren’t having any fun are you?




You can buy Film Listography HERE on Amazon. From writer Lisa Nola and artist Jon Stich comes a movie journal where fans can jot down all of their favourite cinematic moments.

Now fans of the smash-hit Listography journal series (over a quarter of a million copies sold!) can list all their favorite movie picks. Featuring the colorful illustrations of artist Jon Stich throughout, Film Listography boasts over 70 list topics ranging from the classic (favorite films of all time, favorite actors, directors, and soundtracks) to the lovably idiosyncratic (top so-bad-it’s-good movies, scenes that made you cringe, characters you are most like). A celebration of celluloid that’s sure to entertain, this is the ultimate fill-in journal for film fanatics, list lovers, and anyone who appreciates an alternative approach to journaling.