Metalocalypse Needs Your Help to be Renewed for Final Season – Sign the Metalocalypse Now! Petition Today

by | Oct 28, 2015

From creator Brendon Small and (maybe) Adult Swim, comes the heavy metal animated comedy Metalocalypse, featuring the greatest fictional band on earth – Dethklok!

Part-American, part-Scandinavian death-metal band Dethklok has a lingering effect on its fans, who take the words seriously and do anything Dethklok lyrics say. The government fears the band’s influence and sets out to destroy it by covert means; for example, by sending military pharmaceutical psychotropic drug manufacturers. Deemed sociopaths for tossing hot coffee at their concert attendees, two of the band members are alcoholics, and they all have self-esteem issues.

After Metalocalypse wasn’t renewed by Adult Swim, creator Brendon Small launched a month-long campaign entitled Metalocalypse Now! where fans could go to sign a petition and make Adult Swim/Hulu take notice that the people need one more and one final season to tie up all loose ends. That month is coming to a close on October 31st.

Head to Metalocalypse Now! and sign the petition right HERE as soon as you can.

There are more than enough fans capable to sign the petition by simply filling out your email and sharing the petition through social media. I did and I urge you all to do the same. Dethklok aren’t asking for your money – they are simply asking for you to raise up the horns and come together to save this show! DO IT NOW!
