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Wednesday is here again, which means a new week for new comics (UNDONE BY BLOOD & ALIENATED). If you are like me, you may still have a stack of comics that haven’t been read from last week, but how can anyone fault us for reading. Here is a list of books I will be picking up at my local comic shop.

Like many readers I try to budget my purchases, which can become difficult when there are so many quality books being published each week. So here are 5 titles to consider picking up this week.


Marvel Comics – Charles Soule, Will Sliney, Guru-eFX, Travis Lanham, Clayton Crain

•  Soon, BEN SOLO’S path will end in a place of fire and blood, and a shadow will rise to take his place. He is with the KNIGHTS OF REN now, and they will welcome him, if he can pay their price.
•  But before that destiny is fulfilled, a battle must be fought at an ancient JEDI Outpost on the planet ELPHRODA – between Ben and those who know what he could have been… and fear what he might become.
•  Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Everyone here is afraid – Ben Solo most of all!



Scout Comics – Enzo Garza

While visiting the city, Gutt Ghost runs into an old friend named Sensation BOOM. Sitting on a stoop and going through a box of comics, Sensation shows off some rare issues including ones featuring Gutt Ghost himself! Consumed by tales from his past in print, Gutt fails to realize a literal growing danger behind him in the form of a Yellow Button Red. What exactly is a Yellow Button Red? We’ll tell you this much, they ain’t pretty and they will eat just about anything for a laugh. Thankfully, Sensation is no stranger to the likes of the Yellow Button Red gang.


ALIENATED #1 – $3.99

BOOM! Studios Simon Spurrier, Chris Wildgoose, Andre May, Jamie McKelvie

A subversive coming-of-age story about having all the power to change the world but the unready hands to truly wield it. Three teenagers, each an outcast in their own way, stumble upon an unearthly entity as it’s born. As they bond over this shared secret and the creature’s incredible abilities, it becomes clear to the teenagers that their cute little pet is a super-predator in the making – and it’s in need of prey. Guided by the best intentions at first, the teens’ decisions soon become corrupted by adolescent desires, small town jealousies, and internal rivalries, sending them into a catastrophic spiral of their own making.


UNDONE BY BLOOD #1 – $3.99

Aftershock Comics – Lonnie Nadler, Zac Thompson, Sami Kivela, Jason Wordie, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

In the early 1970s, Ethel Grady Lane returns to her hometown of Sweetheart, Arizona with one thing on her mind: killing the man who murdered her family. But first, she’ll have to find him. As Ethel navigates the eccentric town and its inhabitants, she learns that the quaint veneer hides a brewing darkness. She has no choice but to descend into a ring of depravity and violence, with her only ally an Old West novel that follows famed gunslinger Solomon Eaton. As both stories unfold simultaneously, a love of fiction informs choices in reality, for better or worse.


TARTARUS #1 – $3.99

Image Comics – Johnnie Christmas, Jack T. Cole

A new adventure series with all the sci-fi drama of Breaking Bad set in Mos Eisley! Promising young cadet Tilde is framed for crimes against the empire after discovering her mother was the ruthless warlord of the deadly colony Tartarus, a vital player in the galactic war. Now, Tilde’s only way home may be to reclaim her mother’s dark crown.

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