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Sean’s Most Anticipated Movies of 2017: Logan, Beauty and the Beast & Star Wars

Sean’s Most Anticipated Movies of 2017: Logan, Beauty and the Beast & Star Wars

Let’s be honest – 2016 was the most underwhelming year at the movies in recent memory. While there was a fair of number great and entertaining movies, the wait between seeing memorable ones felt longer than usual. And while, as the trades have reported, it was another record-breaking year at the box office, inflation diminished the return of some of the biggest movies of 2016.

Thankfully, 2016 is out of the way and 2017 has arrived and studios are doubling down on tentpole movies. It’s exciting to consider what 2017 has to offer, as many movies scheduled for release throughout the year look very promising. As such, it was difficult to pick five movies I’m most looking forward to in 2017.

Honorable Mentions:

Alien: Covenant, Wonder Woman, War for the Planet of the Apes, The Dark Tower, Blade Runner 2049

  1. Star Wars: Episode VIII

While we won’t get our first look at Star Wars: Episode VIII until April, there’s plenty of reason to get excited. I’m not a big fan of the Star Wars franchise, but I thought Episode VII (The Force Awakens) was fantastic and once again gave purpose to the beloved franchise. While we have no details on where the story will go (which is good because Disney did a great job of hiding plot details for Force Awakens), I have faith that director Rian Johnson (who made the superb sci-fi thriller Looper) will hearken back to the dark tone of The Empire Strikes Back and make an unforgettable Star Wars movie.

  1. Beauty and the Beast

I grew up watching Disney animated movies and last year, Disney knocked it out of the park when they remade the animated classic The Jungle Book into a live action movie. This year, they’re retelling, “A Tale as Old as Time,” which is arguably one of the five best movies Disney has ever made. While that’s a lot to live up to, so far, the footage for the March release looks magnificent. And Emma Watson as Belle? If last night’s tv spot during the Golden Globes featuring Emma’s Belle singing is a true indication of her musical talent, then audience’s hearts are going to melt.

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2

Baby Groot. Is any further explanation really necessary?

  1. Logan

Logan has Deadpool to thank for this. Hyperviolent and full of comical language that earned the movie an R rating, Deadpool was a smashing success. 20th Century Fox took note and decided to let director James Mangold make a hard, R-rated Wolverine movie with Logan, the third and final Wolverine movie starring Hugh Jackman. With a backdrop of Johnny Cash’s song “Hurt,” the film’s irst trailer offers a look at a desolate future where Logan himself is not looking so peachy (Old Man Logan, anyone?). And not only does Logan look like a brutal Western and the definitive Wolverine movie fans of the X-Men character have been waiting for, but it is also the perfect swan song for one of the most beloved actors to play a superhero on the big screen. March 3 you need to get here sooner rather than later.

  1. Dunkirk

The five-minute prologue in IMAX sold me. As I stated in my analysis of the prologue, I think Dunkirk will be a return to form for Christopher Nolan, one of the best directors in the business. If anything, Nolan will keep pushing the limits when it comes to utilizing IMAX cameras, which present the most immersive cinematic experience in the world. An incredible but true story centered around the evacuation of over 300K soldiers surrounded by German forces, Dunkirk is shaping up to be a war epic like no other.

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